Monday, January 14, 2008

"Message of Valentine"

"Spread so much love and affection around you
so that we no longer have to have a special day to remind us
that something called love does exist in this world and
we don't have to have a special day to celebrate love what we basically are made of And thus each and every day of our life can be a day of love and humanity"


Unknown said...

Nice one ! gr8 thot!

kshitij jain said...

we as a humans had forget the simple language of love and affection .so we need special days to express it.To love and spread love should be motto but in unresting desire to excel we forget the very basic cause of human creation and also the concept of pure love.The love and beauty cant be restricted to a simple definitions its much beyond...

kalpoo2k2 said...

you write well..Kshitij!...why cant i access to ur blog??

kshitij jain said...

i havent make the blog yet...but it seems i have to do it... ok i will write something for u ...once my end semester exams are over i will create a new blog and u will have access to it....


hi kalpana..
nice 2 see ur thoughts wid words..keep it up