Friday, December 28, 2007

"Quest Of A Flower"

" One day in a dream i found,
I am not in my cozy bed,
But lying on the freezing ground.
I was no longer a human being
and had got the body of flower,
experiencing the taste of life
bitter, sweet and sour.

Long Ago,
It was a delicate bud,
innocent and small,
supposed to belong
to the patron plant.
It didn't have its own identity
always called
by the name of the plant.
All the visitors of the garden
coming one by one,
played their part,
appreciated bud's beauty
and its tender heart.

Soon as the bud blossom
became a mature flower,
spreading its fragrance to the places
some near
some that of far.

Lanes of life have turned
and changed the picture of frame,
Attitudes and appreciations of the visitors
remained no more the same.

all of them,
had their own expectations
and desires
putting the little innocent flower
on the test of fire.

No one asked,
what the flower desired,
and what all did it wished,
leaving it in the condition
like a orphan
and one like under privileged.

One fine day,
the flower woke up
decided to take a stand
to direct its destiny itself
not by someone else.

It peeped inside its soul
found a hidden strength
which it thought,
was never there before.

It decided to become
-A flower of sacrifice
supposed to be bestowed
at the feet of God.
-A flower of sacrifice
that could bless a tomb
or perhaps a grave.
-A flower of service
that could bring a smile
at a child's face.

Flower wished
Flower dared,
to follow its path...
the path of its destiny
to bring a smile
at its own soul's face."

Sunday, December 16, 2007

"Why do you earth divide?"

At the very age of a child,
A girl used to stare at the sky,
wishing to fly very high,
away from all the lies of life,
Seeing a single sun in the single sky,
with a pinching pain in her soul,
she realized,
why is human of many type?
why is human brown, black and white??

God gave one earth to us,
to live the life,
as happily as we can,
but all the people do not understand,
one are you and I
please do not earth divide...